Archive for May, 2013

Update on Bulk Brush Pick-up

We received a call from the City of Lawrence today apologizing for the delay in picking up some of the bulk brush in the neighborhood and promising to try to finish up their round this week. The City has worked valiantly to get all the Pinckney brush picked up despite having equipment problems and dealing […]

May 29, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Glen Howard Walker, Sr. 1931-2013

We remember the life and passing of Glen Howard Walker, Sr., 1931 – 2013, a resident of the Pinckney Neighborhood for at least 55 years. He was a Pinckney Elementary School alum, and raised his children here and sent them to Pinckney, who in turn have sent their children to Pinckney. In all, four generations […]

May 16, 2013 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday May 18th @ 10:00 am

The next PNA Monthly Meeting will be Saturday May 18th @ 10:00 am in the Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Room D-South. Our guest this month is David Johnson, CEO of the Bert Nash Center. David will give us an update regarding the plans to construct an expansion of the Bert Nash Center on the property purchased […]

May 12, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Uncategorized