Archive for December, 2020

Submit new name ideas: take part in shaping the future of our neighborhood!

  Submit ideas for renaming our neighborhood at All reasonable suggestions will be part of the later voting process. Learn more at our ‘Reconsidering Our Neighborhood Name‘ webpage!

December 30, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA e-News for December 2020

    Check out the PNA e-newsletter for the month of December — there is a lot of important information inside, including an invitation to submit ideas for renaming the neighborhood! Link to e-news

December 19, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

LMH Health Offering Free COVID-19 Saliva Test Kits!

    Hey, neighbors! LMH Health is offering free COVID-19 saliva test kits at 9th and Mass St. – TODAY, Dec 5th, from 11am until 4pm. Same place and time tomorrow, Dec 6th. This will help with the county’s efforts to track asymptomatic spread in our community.

December 5, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements