Annual Meeting – PNA board elections & neighborhood plan update process
Saturday February 21 (10:00 am – Bert Nash/Lawrence-Douglas County Health Dept. @ 200 Maine St. – lower level meeting room) will be the Pinckney Neighborhood Association’s annual meeting and election of two of the four board positions – President and Treasurer – for two year terms. PNA is a gathering of all interested Pinckney residents who volunteer their time to improve the quality of life in Pinckney. We do so by staying up to date on issues affecting the neighborhood and providing that information to residents through newsletters, website and facebook posts, and emails. PNA also provides a voice for the neighborhood concerns to City officials, local businesses and organizations. Anyone interested in serving as the PNA president or treasurer is encouraged to come to Saturday’s meeting and put your hat into the ring. We will discuss upcoming issues and make plans for the coming year.
This Saturday we will also discuss updating the Pinckney Neighborhood Plan, which was last revised in 1978! Bonnie Johnson, Associate Professor of Urban Planning at KU, will describer her recent work with the Brookside Neighborhood to update their neighborhood plan. Neighborhood plans serve as the basis for City officials as they consider improvements and requests for zoning changes and approval of development plans. Because Pinckney’s plan was last revised in the mid-’70s, it is out-of-sync with current development.
Please plan to attend the PNA 2015 annual meeting on February 21st to join your neighbors in keeping Pinckney a great place to live.
February 17, 2015
pgmiller ·
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