Annual Parks & Street Clean-up – Saturday October 6th @ 9am
Once again, we’ll join forces to let many hands make light work of cleaning and prettying-up our neighborhood parks on October 6th. We also have been given an opportunity by the sponsors of a concert in Burcham Park the previous evening (featuring BassNectar) to earn a little extra cash for PNA by picking up any trash along the streets leading to Burcham Park. We’ll need a few extra helpers to get our job accomplished quickly.
Please join your neighbors at Constant Park (5th & Tennessee), Clinton Park (5th & Maine), Woody Park (3rd & Maine) or the Hugh Cameron Memorial Ravine (5th & Indiana) starting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday October 6th for a brisk walk with a trash sack! We usually also clean up Burcham Park, but this year it will be cleaned by the concert sponsors.
Bring some work gloves, a bottle of water, maybe some bug spray, and some walking shoes. We’ll have light refreshments in Clinton Park following the clean-up. Teen who need community service hours, school, church, scouting and other groups are welcome and encouraged to join us.
For questions, contact Linda Bush (856-6435) or send an email to
Don’t forget about the Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational. This would be a great opportunity to get out-and-about and snap some pictures!
Your help will really be appreciated. Hope to see you!
September 29, 2012
pgmiller ·
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