Annual Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic & Food Drive
Calling all Pinckney Neighbors: it’s time again for the Annual Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic!
Saturday June 21st in Clinton Park (5th and Maine Streets) from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm.
Please come and bring your neighbors.
Fun things this year include: Popcorn Machine, Face Painting, Arts & Crafts, Hula Hoops, and other fun activities and games
Music by the John Lomus & Bill Crahan guitar duo
FOOD DRIVE for Just Food Douglas County:
Please bring donations of nonperishable food items and/or cash contributions for Just Food – a Douglas County based food bank.
Just Food will collect the donated items immediately following the picnic. The kids and families who rely on free and reduced lunch programs during the
school year are in greater need of other forms of food assistance over the summer. Kids and families who rely on food assistance are in great need during
this period. The most needed items include:
● Lunch items for kids such as cereal, canned pastas, peanut butter and jelly
● Other basic food items such as canned fruit and tomato products
● Cash! Every dollar you donate helps distribute vital, nutritious food for hungry people in Douglas County
June 8, 2014
pgmiller ·
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