Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

14th Annual Earth Day Celebration in South Park – Saturday April 19th from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Earth Day, observed on April 22nd, was created in 1970 to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment, and is now observed in over 175 countries thus making it one of the largest secular modern day holidays. The 14th Annual Earth Day Celebration in South Park, hosted by the City’s Solid Waste Division, […]

April 16, 2014 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Lawrence Police Department and Bert Nash representatives join PNA April 19th meeting to discuss safety issues

April 19th – 10:00 a.m. – PNA Monthly Meeting – Lawrence Memorial Hospital Meeting Room D-South Our April 19th PNA meeting will include a visit from Officer Trent McKinley, supervisor for Lawrence Police Department’s Neighborhood Resource Officers, and David Johnson, CEO of Bert Nash, to talk to Pinckney residents about neighborhood safety issues recently highlighted […]

April 16, 2014 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements


COMPOST & WOODCHIP SALE – CITY STAFF LOADING ASSISTANCE The last day of the special sale event is Saturday, March 29, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sorry for the late notice. Please pass this on to your friends and neighbors! During this special sale event, the city will load by tractor into pick-up trucks and […]

March 28, 2014 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Spring Cleaning Tips from the Douglas County District Attorney

Douglas County District Attorney March 25, 2014 I wanted to share information with you about how to clear out those documents that may be cluttering up your home or work office. March is the month where the long awaited season of spring returns to Kansas. With our brutal winter, I hope spring’s much anticipated mild […]

March 28, 2014 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Volunteers sought for the 2014 Lawrence Food Garden Tour

If you love to garden, this request for volunteer gardens from the Lawrence Food Garden Tour may be just for you: Would you like to share your garden with people who want to learn how to grow food? Do you want to support a community event that benefits all of Lawrence? The Lawrence Food Garden […]

March 28, 2014 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Elections – Changing of the Guard

The PNA annual meeting in February brought some changes in personnel for the organization. Each officer serves for a two-year term, with two of the four offices being filled each year. Up for election this year were the posts of Vice President and Secretary. We’re pleased to have Melinda Toumi as the new PNA Vice […]

March 18, 2014 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Pinckney Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting – Sat. Feb. 15th @ 10 a.m. – LMH Room D-South

This Saturday is our PNA Annual Meeting, and we have a very full agenda. We’ll be meeting at 10:00 a.m. in meeting room D-South in Lawrence Memorial Hospital (lower level). First, a little business – we need to elect a Vice President and Secretary. Melinda Toumi has graciously volunteered to run for Vice President, but […]

February 12, 2014 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Possible Extension of Burroughs Creek Multiuse Trail to Constant Park

A key bicycle transportation trunk line may become a reality if the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) funds it.  The Burroughs Creek Trail now serves the three east-side Lawrence neighborhoods that launched it in 2004 – Barker, Brook Creek, and East Lawrence.  But currently the trail goes no farther north than Hobbs Park at 11th […]

February 2, 2014 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Pinckney Elementary School’s REALLY BIG SALE is on Saturday Feb. 8th!

Pinckney Elementary Schoo is hosting another Really BIG Sale in the gym on Saturday, February 8th from 8am to 3pm. Clothes, toys, books, household items that you NEED! Prices you WANT! Any donations for the sale can be delivered every MWF 8-9am or 5-6pm and large items can be brought to the school Fridays from […]

January 30, 2014 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday January 18th @ 10:00 a.m. – LMH room D-South

Happy New Year Pinckney Neighbors! It’s time for another monthly PNA meeting on Saturday, January 18th @ 10:00 a.m. in Lawrence Memorial Hospital meeting room D-South (lower level). We’ll kick off the new year with a little planning for the year ahead. There are many interesting, important and fun activities and issues coming up this […]

January 16, 2014 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements