Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

PNA Annual Meeting – Sat. February 16th at 10:00 am

The PNA Annual Meeting and election of officers is this Saturday, February 16th at 10:00 am, Lawrence Memorial Hospital – meeting room D-South (lower level). Positions up for election include the President and Treasurer, as well as filling the Vice President position, which has been vacant for a few months. Please join us for a […]

February 12, 2013 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Bluegrass Concert for Pinckney Tunnel on Sunday November 18th

Truckstop Honeymoon, The Skirts and LA Fahy will be jamming it up on Sunday November 18th from 3 to 5 pm at the Little White Schoolhouse to raise money for the Pinckney Tunnel Beautification Project!  Tickets are $15 (Free for kids under 5) For a flier about the concert, click this link:  Pinckney Tunnel Concert […]

November 14, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Fall Photo Entry Deadline Extended to Noon Friday November 16th

Life is busy! So to take just one burden off your plate, we’re extending the deadline to submit photos for the Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational until noon on Friday November 16th. The photos will be viewed at the PNA monthly meeting on November 17th and included in the Pinckney Fall Colors photo gallery. Check […]

November 8, 2012 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements


This year’s Trunk-or-Treat and Food Drive was another great success!  Together, we collected about 100 pounds of food and raised $10 for Just Food Douglas County. Even though $10 doesn’t sound like a lot, it is enough to provide 50 meals to food insecure residents of Douglas County. AND, we had a great variety of […]

November 2, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Tenants to Homeowners Workshop – Nov. 10th at 9:30 am

Tenants to Homeowners final free homebuyer workshop of the year will be 9:30am on Saturday, November 10, at the United Way Building, 2518 Ridge Court.  The class will cover all traditional aspects of buying a home for the first time, as well as answering questions about alternatives such as rent to own options or first […]

October 31, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Teen Volunteers Needed for Trunk-or-Treat & Food Drive

PNA would love to have a few Middle or High School students help out at the Trunk-or-Treat & Food drive this Saturday – any time between 3 and 6 pm. We need help running the PNA “Fishing” both, collecting food donations. helping people set up trunks/booths, and taking pictures.  Please send an email to […]

October 23, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational

Maple Tree – corner of 4th & Mississippi After a brutally hot summer, it’s nice to have some cool weather and to see beautiful fall colors appearing in the tree tops. Now is the time to get your camera out and take some pictures. PNA is hosting a Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational! Your photos […]

September 23, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday Sept. 15 – 10:00 am @ LMH (lower level meeting room)

Pinckney Neighbors!  It’s so nice to have a little bit of cool weather and – can you believe it – even some rain now and then.  Just in time for us to gear up for a couple of important Neighborhood events – the Pinckney Parks clean-up day on October 6th and the Trunk-or-Treat and Food […]

September 10, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday July 21st at 10:00 a.m.

Our next monthly PNA meeting will be Saturday July 17th – 10:00 a.m. in meeting room D at Lawrence Memorial Hospital.  In addition to regular business and planning items, we’ll have a guest speaker.  Deron Belt will be visiting our meeting to discuss a concert that will be in Burcham Park in October – he […]

July 18, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

The Laurasian Institution is seeking host families in Lawrence!

Chris Armstrong is the Local Coordinator for the Laurasian Institution, a non-profit based in Seattle that fosters exchanges between East Asia and the United States.  The Laurasian Institute is currently seeking families to host students from East Asia for the upcoming school year.  Students arrive in August and leave in May, and attend school full-time. […]

June 28, 2012 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements