City is Pausing “Lawrence Listens” System for 9 Months
Please note this communication from the City of Lawrence:
“The City of Lawrence is pausing the Lawrence Listens web and mobile application – effective as of Friday, June 17 at 5pm – to revamp and improve the system to better serve our community. The Lawrence Listens pause is anticipated to last approximately nine months. During this time, the City will not be able to receive work order requests through the app; residents can send requests directly to the appropriate department:
Parks & Recreation: Ph: (785) 832-3450
Municipal Services & Operations: mso@lawrenceks.orgPh: (785) 832-7800
Planning & Development Services: Ph: (785) 832-7700
Code Compliance: Ph: (785) 832-3345
Police Department (non-emergency) Ph: (785)832-7509
Solid Waste: Ph: 785-832-3032
Existing requests and those received up until close of business Friday, June 17, will continue to be processed and completed as usual. The pause will not affect the Lawrence Listens surveys available on the City’s website.
We appreciate your patience during this work.”
June 26, 2022
Eleanor Gardner ·
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Posted in: Announcements