City of Lawrence Spring Compost & Wood Chips Sale!
It’s Spring and time to enrich our landscaping, flower beds and vegetable gardens. The Spring compost and wood chips sale, held by the City of Lawrence, will be as follows:
Compost: April 4, 5, 6 – 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. – City will load trucks and trailers; *$10 per bucket load or two cubic yards (until supply is depleted)
Wood Chips: April 11, 12, 13 – 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. – City will load trucks and trailers; *$10 per bucket load or two cubic yards (until supply is depleted)
Location: Wood Recovery and Composting Facility, 1420 E. 11th St. (east of 11th and Haskell Ave.) Held rain or shine; CASH only; Lawrence residential use only; no ladder racks on trucks if city is loading.
More info at the City’s website:
April 3, 2013
Pinckney admin ·
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