Event Details!

Pinckney Neighborhood Infrastructure Survey

Survey: Saturday May 5 at 10:00 a.m. – meet at the Lawrence Memorial Hospital parking lot at 4th and Michigan Street

Survey Planning Sessions: Saturday  April 21 at 10:00 a.m. in Meeting Room D, Lawrence Memorial Hospital

Pinckney residents are invited to turn out in force to walk the streets of our neighborhood to identify streets, sidewalks, storm drains, street lights, and any other physical structure in need of repair.  The findings of the physical survey will be compiled, reviewed to determine those items in most serious need of repair or correction, and then submitted to the City of Lawrence for consideration in its upcoming public works budget.  While we can’t guarantee that all the problems identified will be corrected, other neighborhoods that have performed a similar survey have been very pleased with the City’s response.

How can you participate?

Please come to the April 21st planning sessions at our regular PNA meeting to help map each section of the neighborhood and assign team leaders to head up the survey in each section.  Keep an eye out for infrastructure problems.  When you identify a problem area, note the problem and the location and bring the information to one of the planning sessions or submit it by e-mail.  We will make sure that item is reviewed during the street-by-street survey.

To identify a problem to be reviewed during the survey, please send an e-mail with the subject line “Survey,” along with your name and a contact number, to Pinckney.Neighborhood@gmail.com


February 26, 2012 · pgmiller · Comments Closed
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