Final Result Is In!
Thanks to all who participated in the final round of voting for our new neighborhood name. Based upon the final tally of all eligible votes submitted (totaling 359 individual votes), the new neighborhood name receiving the most votes is Pinkney. Please note that the new neighborhood name will be formally submitted for ratification at the next PNA monthly meeting on July 17. We anticipate changes to neighborhood signage, online presence, etc. occurring over the next 6-8 months.
Recall that Pinkney (rather than Pinckney with a ‘c’) is in honor of William Pinkney, who lived from 1764 to 1822. He was an American statesman and diplomat from Maryland who was appointed the seventh U.S. Attorney General by President James Madison. An anti-slavery speech delivered by William Pinkney in 1789 was turned into a widely circulated abolitionist movement pamphlet. Pinkney remained well-known and his pamphlet quoted extensively by anti-slavery advocates up until the Civil War. The original map of Lawrence uses the spelling “Pinkney” for what is now 6th Street.
For a breakdown of vote tallies, information on why this name change occurred, and details of the past year’s worth of work by the committee, please visit
July 5, 2021
Eleanor Gardner ·
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Posted in: Announcements