First Round of Voting – New Neighborhood Name!
On April 1st, the postcard ballot for the first round of voting on our new neighborhood name arrived in many residents’ mailboxes. All neighborhood residents age 16 and over may vote for a new name for our neighborhood. Remember, this vote is for renaming the neighborhood only — NOT the elementary school.
This first round of voting will take us from 12 name options down to 4 finalists. A second round of voting will occur later this spring, which will result in the final name selection.
We are collecting votes (1 per eligible person) from April 1st until May 1st. You may vote in one of three ways: QR code, online survey at, or fill out the postcard ballot and drop it in a dropbox at 401 Mississippi St., 504 Ohio St., or 427 Michigan St. If you have multiple folks over age 16 in your household, follow the “How to Vote” instructions on the postcard.
Questions? Head to our webpage at or email us at
April 9, 2021
Eleanor Gardner В·
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Posted in: Announcements