KDOT Open House Set to Discuss West Leg of K-10 Improvements
You’re invited to join the Kansas Department of Transportation to learn more about the K-10 West Leg South Lawrence Trafficway (SLT) Concept Study and provide input on preliminary improvement options. The public information open house will be held on Tuesday, March 31 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Southwest Middle School, 2511 Inverness Drive. The public is welcome to stop by anytime during this meeting to speak with the study team. There will be no formal presentation.
The concept study will assess existing and future traffic and safety needs on this section of K-10 and identify a preferred 4-lane access controlled freeway concept that provides a safe and reliable solution.
The purpose of this study is to:
-Provide a corridor solution that is safe and meets demand and driver expectations.
-Evaluate interchange and intersection locations through the corridor to provide safe and efficient access with consideration for the local street network.
-Re-evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the preferred alternative.
If you have questions or need special assistance at the open house please contact Kelsey Heavin at 816-527-2468 or kheavin@hntb.com
March 18, 2015
pgmiller ·
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