Lawrence Police Department and Bert Nash representatives join PNA April 19th meeting to discuss safety issues
April 19th – 10:00 a.m. – PNA Monthly Meeting – Lawrence Memorial Hospital Meeting Room D-South
Our April 19th PNA meeting will include a visit from Officer Trent McKinley, supervisor for Lawrence Police Department’s Neighborhood Resource Officers, and David Johnson, CEO of Bert Nash, to talk to Pinckney residents about neighborhood safety issues recently highlighted in the news. The discussion with them will start at 11:00 a.m., following a short PNA business meeting that starts at 10:00 a.m. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about safety and/or mental health issues in Pinckney – or questions about how the City deals with such concerns – now is your opportunity to connect with the people who are most likely to have answers. We are so grateful to both Officer McKinley and David Johnson for sharing their Saturday morning with us. Please pass this information on to your friends and neighbors so they can also join the discussion.
Other matters to be discussed at the PNA business meeting include the upcoming annual Summer Potluck Picnic, the curbside bulk brush pick-up, and fundraising efforts to support PNA’s work. Light refreshments will be served.
Hope you can join us!
April 16, 2014
Pinckney admin ·
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