Lawrence Police Department urges cautions regarding scams
As Spring approaches and the weather gets warmer, Lawrence historically sees a rise in the number of door-to-door salespeople coming to our community. Many of these solicitors do not have city-issued solicitor’s licenses or may claim to represent a certain company when in reality they do not. There have already been several instances in recent weeks of solicitors being arrested for soliciting without a license.
The Lawrence Police Department encourages residents to exercise caution when interacting with strangers that come to your door. While there are legitimate solicitors engaging in a legitimate form of business, unfortunately some people use this practice as a means of scouting neighborhoods and gaining access to homes in order to perpetrate frauds, burglaries, and other crimes. Letting someone who you are not familiar with inside your home may not be a good idea. Any solicitor in the city must obtain a solicitor’s license from City Hall that will be complete with individual photo identification. Solicitors must prominently dis-play their licenses while engaged in these activities. The possession of a city solicitor’s license, however, does not mean that the City of Lawrence endorses the company or product. It is best to call police as soon as possible if you believe solicitors in your neighborhood are not legitimate, are acting in an aggressive or threatening manner, or if they are unable to provide the proper license.
Even with a valid City of Lawrence solicitor’s license, it is unlawful for a solicitor to so-licit between the hours of 8pm and 9am. It is also unlawful to solicit at a residence or business with a “No Solicitors,” “No Trespassers,” or similar sign displayed. These violations should also be reported to the police department. For information on rules and restrictions pertaining to solicitors, please see City of Lawrence City Code, Chapter VI, Article 8: Transient Merchants, at
The Lawrence Police Department is working to proactively identify crime patterns and help educate you in how you can combat crime in your neighborhood. To report crimes in progress call 911. For non-emergency assistance call police dispatch at 832-7509. For crime prevention information, please call the Community Services Division, Neighborhood Resource Officers at 830-7410, or email at
April 24, 2013
pgmiller ·
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