League of Women Voters public meeting featuring County Clerk Jamie Shew.
Douglas County Clerk Jamie Shew will speak Thursday, September 20th in the County Commission Chambers of the Douglas County Courthouse at 7 p.m. Shew, who oversees elections, will address new laws on voter identification requirements and the recent changes in redistricting for state and national offices, as well as answer any questions about the upcoming election.
As an added treat, Jamie is quite knowledgeable about the history of the women’s suffrage movement and will present some very interesting highlights about the struggle for women’s right to vote in the state of Kansas. While the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote was not added to the U.S. Constitution until 1920, Kansas approved a state constitutional amendment 100 years ago in 1912! How progressive is that?
And if you need to register to vote, the League of Women Voters will be glad to help with that.  (Did you know that if you’ve moved or changed your name since the last time you voted that you need to re-register with your current information?) This League of Women Voters meeting is also open to the public. Please come, and bring a friend!
Melinda Henderson President, LWV/L-DC contact email: league@sunflower.com Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/lwvldc Follow us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/lwvldc Visit our website: www.lawrenceleague.com Because democracy is NOT a spectator sport!
September 17, 2012
pgmiller ·
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