Next Pinckney Neighborhood Meeting: June 20th @10AM online via Zoom
PNA Meeting (via Zoom)
Saturday, June 20th
10:00 am
Following CDC recommendations, we are hosting this meeting online through Zoom.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting on June 20
(Not clickable? Type this web address into your browser:
Password: m33ting
After submitting the password, a meeting host will admit you into the meeting “room.” Your microphone and video will be turned off upon entering. You may turn your video on, but it is not required. To reduce background noise and feedback problems, please keep your microphone muted when you’re not speaking. Please note that Zoom meetings will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.
If you know of anyone without internet access that would like to have their questions addressed, please let us know at Or if they want to mail a question in, they can reach us at:
Pinckney Neighborhood Association
PO Box 125
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
June 10, 2020
Eleanor Gardner В·
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Posted in: Announcements