Important PNA Meeting THIS Saturday, 3/20, at 10am!

â€¼ï¸ Super important Neighborhood Association meeting coming up this Saturday at 10am (via Zoom)!

We will hold a frank discussion about the future of the neighborhood association. We’ll ask residents what they believe the greatest value of a neighborhood association is and how it can better serve residents. We will also explore options for the leadership team of the Neighborhood Association that may make it easier to take on a leadership role. During our February Annual Meeting and election of officers, there were NO volunteers for the positions of President, Vice President, or Secretary. Without a leadership team, continued functioning of the Neighborhood Association will be difficult and we may lose eligibility for grant funding that supports newsletters and other communications regarding neighborhood matters.

Open our March e-newsletter for Zoom meeting link and passcode, plus lots more info:

March 18, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Uncategorized

Did you miss the PNA annual meeting & elections? Watch it now on YouTube

Did you miss the PNA annual meeting & election last week?  You can watch the full meeting on our YouTube channel.  Because nobody stepped up to become President, Vice President, or Secretary, the neighborhood association is facing a critical crossroads.  Next month’s meeting, on March 20th, we will have a frank discussion about the future of the association: Will someone step up to serve in these important leadership roles, or will the association have to go into “hibernation mode” and forfeit grant funding and helping neighborhood residents?  If YOU are willing to serve in a leadership position, please contact us at


February 27, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Annual Meeting & Elections Tomorrow, 2/20!

Be sure to join us for our annual meeting and elections TOMORROW, Feb 20, at 10am on Zoom!  Click here for meeting link and passcode information.  See you then!

February 19, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

February 2021 E-News: Join us on Feb 20th for the PNA Annual Meeting & Elections!

Looking for a quick read on this snowy Valentine’s Day? Check out the PNA e-news at!  It includes info about our upcoming PNA annual meeting & officer elections on Feb 20th, an update on the neighborhood renaming process, celebrating Black History Month, and more.


February 14, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Pinckney Pantry In Need of More Donations

As noted in our Winter 2021 PNA paper newsletter that went out at the beginning of this month, the Pinckney Pantry at Pinckney Elementary School could use more donations to help students! Here is their wish list!

To arrange delivery of donations, please contact the Pinckney Parent Involvement Facilitator, Kate Sjursen, at

January 29, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

It’s Annual Voluntary Dues Time!


















As mentioned during the PNA monthly meeting, it is annual voluntary dues time. An annual voluntary contribution of at least $1.00 per person or $2.00 per household is greatly appreciated. (Bigger donations are always welcome!) These funds help defray the costs associated with our Neighborhood Association activities. Please contact the PNA Treasurer at to arrange drop off of dues, or mail a check to: PO Box 125, Lawrence, KS 66044. Thank you!

January 17, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Recording of January PNA Monthly Meeting Available to View on YouTube

The Zoom recording of our January 2021 PNA monthly meeting is now available to watch on our YouTube channel. We heard from Dave Lowenstein, co-coordinator of the “Between the Rock and a Hard Place” project (at Robinson Park). We also received updates on the homeless camp at Woody Park as well as the neighborhood name change process. Fundraising needs, annual voluntary dues, and the upcoming CDBG grant application process were discussed – plus the PNA election coming up on Feb 20th and more.

  • To learn more about the “Between the Rock and a Hard Place” project, check out
  • To submit annual voluntary dues: Contact the PNA Treasurer at to arrange drop-off of dues, or mail a check to PNA at PO Box 125, Lawrence, KS 66044.
  • To contribute suggestions for renaming the neighborhood, fill out our webform at
  • We need folks to volunteer for PNA Officer Positions! The election is scheduled for Feb 20th.  Learn more about officer responsibilities by exploring our Bylaws and reading section ARTICLE V, and email to submit your name for the ballot or nominate someone else who is interested.

January 17, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

January PNA E-News: First meeting of new year is 1/16/21 at 10am


Check out the January PNA e-newsletter for important neighborhood & community information, including how to join our PNA monthly meeting on Jan 16th at 10am via Zoom.

Hope to see you then!

January 12, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Winter 2021 Newsletter Arriving at Mailboxes Soon!



The Winter 2021 PNA paper newsletter will soon be hitting mailboxes throughout the neighborhood! 

If, for some reason, you don’t receive a physical copy, an electronic version can be viewed here.

January 6, 2021 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Submit new name ideas: take part in shaping the future of our neighborhood!


Submit ideas for renaming our neighborhood at

All reasonable suggestions will be part of the later voting process.

Learn more at our ‘Reconsidering Our Neighborhood Name‘ webpage!

December 30, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements