September 2020 PNA Meeting Recording on our YouTube Channel

The video recording of our PNA meeting that took place this morning is now available for viewing on our YouTube channel.

We heard a presentation from Jill Jolicoeur (Assistant Administrator, Douglas County); Derek Rogers (City of Lawrence Parks & Rec); and David Tucker (Bert Nash Homeless Outreach Team case manager).  To review the proposed map for the homeless camp, a draft Code of Conduct, and the RFP for homeless encampment services, please go to  You may contact the presenters at: (Jill), (Derek), and (David).

Please note that starting this month, there will not be any closed captions on the video, nor a document with the transcribed conversation. Correcting the auto-generated captions/transcription is a hugely time intensive task. Due to severely limited grant funds PNA received this year, the executive committee made a decision last month to remove that duty from the coordinator’s responsibilities. Additionally, the video recording will only be available for viewing until the next meeting – after which point it will be removed.

September 19, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

September 2020 E-News & Next Meeting 9/19 @ 10am!

The September 2020 e-newsletter is available to read at:


Our next PNA meeting is Sept 19th at 10am via Zoom.  Please view the e-newsletter linked above for Zoom meeting details and password.


Important topics of conversations at this meeting will include:

–City’s proposal to temporarily use Woody Park as a homeless camp starting Nov 2020

–LMH’s proposal for sidewalk & landscaping improvements

–Update from the neighborhood name committee


Also, the first public input opportunity for Lawrence Transit’s Route Redesign Study #1 is open now through October 4th, and aims to understand travel patterns. Pinckney residents are encouraged to take the survey at so that our neighborhood is well-represented in the City’s outreach efforts. The scope of work for Route Redesign Study #1 can be found at

September 16, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

LMH Seeking Neighborhood Input on Sidewalk & Landscaping Plans


LMH is seeking immediate neighborhood input on their proposal to improve sidewalks & landscaping (see proposal below). LMH hopes to begin work later this month.

Please respond by Sept. 10 by any of the following methods:
-email OR
-make a post in our neighborhood Facebook group OR
-mail a letter to P.O. Box 125, Lawrence, KS 66044 OR
-call Eleanor (Neighborhood Coordinator) at 785-864-two three eight zero



LMH Proposal: New Streetscape

As development of the mental/behavioral health facilities on the north side of Second St. progress, LMH wishes to upgrade a typical sidewalk to a more pedestrian-friendly walkway that could have landscaping, seating areas, and lighting.  This could potentially tie into a future development whereby the walkway would continue west along the LMH Health campus, connecting all the way to Arkansas St.  The sidewalk in front of the Crisis Center is the most immediate project, and LMH is seeking neighborhood input on the proposed routes.

Immediate Opportunity
Timing on these efforts is important because there are some immediate opportunities that coincide with potential site work that could facilitate the proposed walkway. The urgency for this is associated with rapidly pending site work and sidewalk development for the behavioral health campus. The immediate chance of completing a pedestrian walkway along Second St. is compelling for the long term and, LMH believes, should be seized upon.
Discussions are ongoing with the architects for the behavioral health campus regarding the anticipated sidewalk along the north side of Second St.  Graphic representation of proposal:

Close up along proposed walkway:

This project would involve converting a typical straight sidewalk to a pedestrian-friendly promenade.  This version will have greater expense associated with it and LMH is awaiting what that premium cost is.  LMH plans to work with the city, county (responsible for developing the behavioral health campus), and others to consider the added cost.  LMH does not want to miss this immediate opportunity to create a long-term improvement in the neighborhood that would encourage pedestrian traffic, enhance the use of parks, and improve the hospital campus within the community.
Future Options for an Extended Sidewalk from Maine St. to Arkansas St.
Further development west across Woody Park or the LMH Health campus has some flexibility that can be considered over time.  Below are two ways LMH could consider this aspect of the walkway.  In either case, LMH would like to continue the design, style, and look of the walkway along Second St.  This would help create a compelling pedestrian corridor.

Option 1: Short-term solution for west side of walkway

  • Complete the sidewalk enhancement along the east side of Second St., according to the plans above.
  • Develop an improved sidewalk along the north side of LMH and the Second St. drive (cutting through campus).
  • Tie these improvements (shown in purple) to the pending projects already planned by LMH.
  • The two areas circled in blue are projects where site work and minor construction may be done soon.

Option 2: Solution for west portion of walkway being integrated with Woody Park planning

  • Complete the sidewalk enhancement along the east side of Second St. according to the plans above.
  • Develop an improved sidewalk to the west from the point directly across the street going west through Woody Park and along the north side of the LMH campus.
  • This option represents a long-term solution that would enable pedestrian traffic to avoid hospital parking, helipad landing and take-off, and other truck support traffic to the campus.
  • LMH anticipates this option being part of a solution that would include a Woody Park Memorial recognition, enhancement of playground and ball field facilities with Sandra Shaw Park, and other considerations.

September 4, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

August PNA Zoom Recording & Meeting Transcribed

The Zoom recording of the August PNA monthly meeting is available to watch/listen on the PNA YouTube channel.  You can also read the conversation by downloading a PDF of the discussion.

August 22, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Don’t forget! August PNA Meeting is Tomorrow, 8/15!

Don’t forget! The August PNA meeting is taking place tomorrow, August 15th, online via Zoom. Read our e-newsletter for the meeting agenda and other pertinent information:

August 14, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

August 2020 E-Newsletter

PNA’s e-newsletter for the month of August is available for reading at

Make a note to attend our next meeting on the 15th at 10am via Zoom!

August 8, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

July PNA Zoom Recording & Meeting Transcribed


The Zoom recording of our July PNA monthly meeting is available to watch/listen to on the PNA YouTube channel.


Alternatively, if you’d rather read what was transcribed, you may download the PDF of our conversation.

July 18, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Reminder: July PNA Meeting and E-News

Don’t forget!!  Our July monthly PNA meeting is tomorrow, July 18, at 10am via Zoom.  Check out the e-news blast for the Zoom meeting details:


Did you miss the PNA e-news from July 10th?  There is a lot of great information in it, including a report on our neighborhood food drive last month, how to save on electricity bills, and more. Read it here:

July 17, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Neighborhood Bingo Game – Going Now Through July 3 @ 11:59pm!


🎉Here is the virtual neighborhood bingo card! Save it as a photo to your cell phone & then edit to check off what you see! Get 5 in a row and that’s BINGO! This game runs until July 3 at 11:59pm — to get entered into the prize drawing, post a pic of your completed bingo card to PNA social media ðŸ˜€ And stay tuned for the prize drawing winners announcement at noon on July 4!


There is a set of printed versions available at Clinton Park for pick-up as well for those without access to the internet. If you get BINGO, bring your filled-out card to 400 Mississippi and you’ll be entered into the prize drawing!


June 27, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Call for Volunteers to Serve on Neighborhood Name Committee, PLUS June 27th Celebration Details!

At our June PNA meeting, we had a complex discussion about whether to rename the neighborhood. A decision was made to create a committee for developing a plan to assess community desire (or not) to rename the Pinckney Neighborhood. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. It is critical that we have a diverse & inclusive committee. Please consider volunteering to serve on this important committee! Contact

AND, our neighborhood celebration is this Saturday! See below for all the details!



June 25, 2020 · Eleanor Gardner · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements