Tuesday Tea

photo text: Everlasting impact with compassion and kindness is called love.

October 1, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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This October, celebrate Global Diversity Awareness Month and pay tribute to the diverse minds and beliefs held by all cultures around the world.

October 1, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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Free Events (or nearly) in beautiful Lawrence, Kansas

For Sept. 25th – 30th


Discussion groups | Create Change: Women, Democracy and Global Politics
September 25, 2019
Dole Institute of Politics
2350 Petefish Dr.
(785) 864-4900
Admission: Free

Do you dream of creating change in your community, state or country?

Dole fellow Nancy Bocskor will give you a roadmap to turn your knowledge and passion into a plan.


Kenneth A. Spencer Lecture: Jonny Sun
September 25, 2019
Liberty Hall
Doors open 1 hour prior to showtime.
From: 07:00 PM to 09:30 PM
Admission FREE

Creative scholar, Jonny Sun is the best-selling author and illustrator of “everyone’s a aliebn when ur a aliebn too” and the illustrator of “Gmorning, Gnight!” by Lin-Manuel Miranda


Under 25 Open Mic
September 28, 2019
S&S Artisan Pub & Coffeehouse
2228 Iowa St.

Calling all budding musicians, poets, or performers under 25 years of age!

Come and practice your art on our 8 x 8 stage in an encouraging environment.We are always family and kid-friendly.No profanity. (Obviously!) These Under 25 Open Mics are every Saturday at 4-6 pm.

Kansas River Cleanup & After Party!
September 28, 2019
Cleanup from 9:00 AM to Noon
Meet at 7th and New York at the Kansas River
After Party from 12:30 to 2:00 For Participants at Lucia Beer Garden + Grill (Must be Over 21 for Beer)
Lucia Beer Garden + Grill

Saving the Magnificent Monarch – Support Monarch Conservation
September 29, 2019
Prairie Park Nature Center
2730 Harper St.
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
(785) 832-7980
Admission: $3

Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

Get involved in monarch butterfly conservation at the Nature Center.Learn about monarch migration, conservation troubles and how you can help

Sweat the Technique with Rakim
September 30, 2019
Liberty Hall
642 Massachusetts St.
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Admission FREE

Come hear the story of one of the greatest MCs of all time and the “godfather of rap lyricism” — Rakim.

In conversation with Lawrence’s own Sean Hunt — AKA Approach

September 25, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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Pinckney Working Group meets TONIGHT at 7pm

Hey Neighbors, Gentle Reminder, the Pinckney Working Group meets tonight at the Boulevard Grill @ DoubleTree Hotel

September 19, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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PNA Monthly Meeting TOMORROW at 7 pm

Hey Pinckney Neighbors, Gentle reminder — New time and place for our neighborhood monthly meeting.

It’s TOMORROW at 7 pm at a residence: 401 Mississippi St.

It’s a POTLUCK! So if you can, bring something to share.

Last thing — please RSVP us at pinckney.neighborhood@gmail.com so we have a headcount. See you there for food, friends, and discussion about how to make Pinckney the best it can be.

September 16, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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10 am – 12 pm
We meet at the hospital parking lot, NW corner of 4th & Arkansas St.
Last month, was a great beginning to our third year of this important and fun program created by Pinckney President, Bart Littlejohn.
Our focus is to spread the word about our premier event of the year, TRUNK OR TREAT.
If you’re interested in getting to know your neighbors and seeing the different parts of Pinckney, we’d love you to join us!
Please contact pinckney.neighborhood@gmail.com if you have any questions.

September 13, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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Do you get weekends off work? Lunch breaks? Paid vacation? An eight-hour workday? Social security? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, you can thank labor unions and the U.S. labor movement for it. Many of the most basic benefits we enjoy at our jobs today were the result of years of hard-fought battles and the legislation they inspired. On the first Monday in September, we take the day off to celebrate Labor Day and reflect on the American worker’s contributions to our country.

Child Labor: Breaker Boys, Pittston, PA, USA, 1911

September 2, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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Reach across the ages. You never know what might happen.

The Intergenerational Foundation launched Intergeneration Month, held each September, to connect generations and to prompt folks from varying age groups to befriend and learn from each other. Intergeneration Month is endorsed by such groups as the American Library Association and American Association of Museums.

Jiroemon Kimura (木村 次郎右衛門 Kimura Jirōemon, 19 April 1897 – 12 June 2013) was a Japanese supercentenarian. He became the oldest verified male in history on 28 December 2012, at the age of 115 years and 253 days.

September 1, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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Pinckney Working Group meets TONIGHT at 7 pm


Come join us and get more involved in the neighborhood YOU want to see!

We meet every other Thursday at 7 pm in the DoubleTree Boulevard Grill. Message pinckney.neighborhood@gmail.com to get on the email list.

ABOUT: The Pinckney Working Group started in the Fall of 2018 to tackle neighborhood issues on a tactical level and develop long-term goals. We work closely with the Board and have been keeping a running list of action items and goals to take on.

August 22, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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Do you use Woody Park? Would you like changes to be made to the park or would you like it to stay the same?

TOMORROW, 10 AM at the PNA monthly meeting, Lawrence Memorial Hospital and the City of Lawrence/Douglas County will discuss potential plans for the park.

The CEO of LMH, Russ Johnson will present. Rebecca Smith, Dir. of LMH Foundation, Derrick Rogers, Dir. Lawrence Parks and Rec., Sarah Plinsky, Douglas County Administrator are also attending.

The meeting is tomorrow at 10 am, LMH, meeting room D-South. The meeting will also live-stream on YouTube and on our PNA Facebook Page.

PLEASE JOIN US to discuss the future of Woody Park. Lend your voice to this conversation.



August 16, 2019 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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