Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic – Saturday June 22nd – Clinton Park

It’s time again for the annual Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic! This year it will be on Saturday June 22nd in Clinton Park, starting at 11:3o am and ending about 2:00 pm. If you want to help set-up, please come about a half hour early.

All you need to bring is a side dish to share with your neighbors at the picnic.



This year’s Picnic features:

Hot Dogs, Veggie Dogs & Soda
Bounce Castle – provided by Anderson Rental
Music by Lance Fahy
Face Painting
Arts & Crafts Table
Hula Hoop contest

NEW THIS YEAR – collection of coats and jackets to donate to Scotch Industries’ “Share the Warmth” campaign

We hope to see you at the picnic. It’s a great opportunity to see your friends and meet new people. The picnic provides a great opportunity to build a strong sense of community, which in turn creates a stronger, safer and more enjoyable place to live.

Hope to see you there!


June 11, 2013 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Update on Bulk Brush Pick-up

We received a call from the City of Lawrence today apologizing for the delay in picking up some of the bulk brush in the neighborhood and promising to try to finish up their round this week. The City has worked valiantly to get all the Pinckney brush picked up despite having equipment problems and dealing with the massive annual KU end of semester move-out aftermath. If your brush has not been picked up yet, please send a message to with “brush pickup” in the subject line and list your address. We’ll do our best to make sure the City gets the information.

Next year we would like to work closer with the City in setting up and planning the bulk brush pickup. Please let us know if you love this service so much that you would be willing to contribute just a few minutes of their time next March to help set it up the service with the City.



May 29, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Glen Howard Walker, Sr. 1931-2013

We remember the life and passing of Glen Howard Walker, Sr., 1931 – 2013, a resident of the Pinckney Neighborhood for at least 55 years. He was a Pinckney Elementary School alum, and raised his children here and sent them to Pinckney, who in turn have sent their children to Pinckney. In all, four generations of Walker’s have attended Pinckney Elementary School!

Please take the time to read the Lawrence Journal World obituary with a great tribute to Mr. Walker and his contributions to our community.


May 16, 2013 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
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PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday May 18th @ 10:00 am

The next PNA Monthly Meeting will be Saturday May 18th @ 10:00 am in the Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Room D-South. Our guest this month is David Johnson, CEO of the Bert Nash Center. David will give us an update regarding the plans to construct an expansion of the Bert Nash Center on the property purchased from the VFW. In addition, we will continue our planning for the June 22nd Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic and our 2013 fundraising campaign.

Light refreshments will be served. Hope to see you there.


May 12, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Pinckney Potluck Picnic scheduled for June 22 in Clinton Park – planning starts now!

The Annual Pinckney Potluck Picnic is scheduled for Saturday June 22 in Clinton Park starting at 11:30. This year we will again have kids arts & crafts and other entertainment, and we also will have a coat and jacket drive that will provide donations to the Scotch Cleaners’ “Share the Warmth” campaign. If you are interested in helping out with the picnic planning process and/or our annual fund raising effort for PNA, your first opportunity to get involved will be Sunday April 28 at 1:00. We’ll be meeting at Pat Miller’s house – 345 Mississippi (NW corner of 4th & Mississippi). If you’re interested in helping plan the Picnic and/or helping with fundraising but can’t make it on Sunday, please just send an email to or call Pat at 785-550-6958.


April 24, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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The Bulk Brush Curbside Pickup date has changed to MAY 20

As in past years, PNA has coordinated with the City of Lawrence Parks and Rec department to bring the City’s chipper/shredder crew to the neighborhood to pick up and recycle bulk brush. After the PNA Newsletter went to press, the City asked that we change the date from the week of May 6 to the week of May 20 because of other commitments the City crews face early in May. Please pass the word to your neighbors that the date has changed. Here’s the updated information about the bulk brush pickup services.

After a long, snowy winter, it’s finally spring and time for yard clean-up! To help dispose of your trimmed brush and tree limbs, we’ve again scheduled a special tour through the neighborhood on May 20th for the Lawrence Parks Department’s wood chipper / shredder.  The city crew will pick-up and process brush and oversize yard debris you leave at the curb.  Brush does not need to be bundled, and limbs should have their butt-end facing the street.  This is for brush and limbs only, since other yard waste is routinely picked up by sanitation crews each Monday.  The brush and limbs will be chipped up to add to the city’s compost and mulch piles.  The city is not able to dispose of railroad ties and other wood fencing materials.  Also note that city staff is not allowed to go into private yards to clean up or retrieve the debris.  If you need assistance in bringing your debris to the curb, please call Pat Miller (550-6958) or send an email to to arrange assistance from some helpful neighbors.  Although it may take a couple of days for the crew to work its way through the neighborhood, please have your brush ready at the curb by the morning of Monday May 20th.


April 24, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Lawrence Police Department urges cautions regarding scams

As Spring approaches and the weather gets warmer, Lawrence historically sees a rise in the number of door-to-door salespeople coming to our community. Many of these solicitors do not have city-issued solicitor’s licenses or may claim to represent a certain company when in reality they do not. There have already been several instances in recent weeks of solicitors being arrested for soliciting without a license.

The Lawrence Police Department encourages residents to exercise caution when interacting with strangers that come to your door. While there are legitimate solicitors engaging in a legitimate form of business, unfortunately some people use this practice as a means of scouting neighborhoods and gaining access to homes in order to perpetrate frauds, burglaries, and other crimes. Letting someone who you are not familiar with inside your home may not be a good idea. Any solicitor in the city must obtain a solicitor’s license from City Hall that will be complete with individual photo identification. Solicitors must prominently dis-play their licenses while engaged in these activities. The possession of a city solicitor’s license, however, does not mean that the City of Lawrence endorses the company or product. It is best to call police as soon as possible if you believe solicitors in your neighborhood are not legitimate, are acting in an aggressive or threatening manner, or if they are unable to provide the proper license. 

Even with a valid City of Lawrence solicitor’s license, it is unlawful for a solicitor to so-licit between the hours of 8pm and 9am. It is also unlawful to solicit at a residence or business with a “No Solicitors,” “No Trespassers,” or similar sign displayed. These violations should also be reported to the police department. For information on rules and restrictions pertaining to solicitors, please see City of Lawrence City Code, Chapter VI, Article 8: Transient Merchants, at 

The Lawrence Police Department is working to proactively identify crime patterns and help educate you in how you can combat crime in your neighborhood. To report crimes in progress call 911. For non-emergency assistance call police dispatch at 832-7509. For crime prevention information, please call the Community Services Division, Neighborhood Resource Officers at 830-7410, or email at


April 24, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday April 20th at 10:00

The next PNA Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, April 20th at 10:00 am in meeting room D-South at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. This month our guest will be Kirk McClure, KU Professor of Urban Planning. Kirk will be able to give us his insights and perspective regarding protection of downtown Lawrence and its expansion north of the river, economic development practices of Lawrence, and smart growth (keeping growth of supply of real estate in check with growth in demand for that real estate).

We’ll also start our planning process for the June 22 Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic. This year’s picnic will have all the usual fun activities and wonderful things to eat. And we will also be collecting coats and jackets to donate to the Scotch Cleaner’s Spread the Warmth public service project. Look for more information in the coming weeks.

Other upcoming events include the annual bulk brush pick up the week of May 20 (the newsletter that will hit your box in a day or two shows the date as May 5, but the date has been changed at the City’s request).

Hope to see you on Saturday and at our upcoming events!


April 17, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Saturday, April 13, 10am–Noon
Presentation at 10:30

Sunday, April 21, 2–4pm
Presentation at 2:30

Lawrence Preservation Alliance, the new owner of the Lawrence Turnhalle (pronounced “Turnhalluh”), will welcome members of the public to view the historic structure in its pre-rehabilitation state at two open houses in April. If you’ve been curious about this significant structure and wondering about LPA’s plans, now is your chance!

Short history presentations will be delivered by Dennis Domer, New Cities Project Director, Associate Dean/Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas  and Frank Baron, professor of German and director of the Max Kade Center for German-American studies at the University of Kansas. We will learn about the German-American Turners, their many contributions to the initial building of Lawrence, and their public involvement in our community through 1917.

For more info on the Turnhalle project visit


April 8, 2013 · pgmiller · No Comments
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City of Lawrence Spring Compost & Wood Chips Sale!

It’s Spring and time to enrich our landscaping, flower beds and vegetable gardens. The Spring compost and wood chips sale, held by the City of Lawrence, will be as follows:

Compost: April 4, 5, 6 – 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. – City will load trucks and trailers; *$10 per bucket load or two cubic yards (until supply is depleted)

Wood Chips: April 11, 12, 13 – 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. – City will load trucks and trailers; *$10 per bucket load or two cubic yards (until supply is depleted)

Location: Wood Recovery and Composting Facility, 1420 E. 11th St. (east of 11th and Haskell Ave.) Held rain or shine; CASH only; Lawrence residential use only; no ladder racks on trucks if city is loading.

More info at the City’s website:


April 3, 2013 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements