Annual Parks & Street Clean-up – Saturday October 6th @ 9am

Once again, we’ll join forces to let many hands make light work of cleaning and prettying-up our neighborhood parks on October 6th. We also have been given an opportunity by the sponsors of a concert in Burcham Park the previous evening (featuring BassNectar) to earn a little extra cash for PNA by picking up any trash along the streets leading to Burcham Park. We’ll need a few extra helpers to get our job accomplished quickly.

Please join your neighbors at Constant Park (5th & Tennessee), Clinton Park (5th & Maine), Woody Park (3rd & Maine) or the Hugh Cameron Memorial Ravine (5th & Indiana) starting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday October 6th for a brisk walk with a trash sack! We usually also clean up Burcham Park, but this year it will be cleaned by the concert sponsors.

Bring some work gloves, a bottle of water, maybe some bug spray, and some walking shoes. We’ll have light refreshments in Clinton Park following the clean-up. Teen who need community service hours, school, church, scouting and other groups are welcome and encouraged to join us.

For questions, contact Linda Bush (856-6435) or send an email to

Don’t forget about the Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational. This would be a great opportunity to get out-and-about and snap some pictures!

Your help will really be appreciated. Hope to see you!


September 29, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational

Maple Tree – corner of 4th & Mississippi

After a brutally hot summer, it’s nice to have some cool weather and to see beautiful fall colors appearing in the tree tops. Now is the time to get your camera out and take some pictures. PNA is hosting a Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational! Your photos taken in the Pinckney Neighborhood and submitted to PNA’s email between now and midnight Sunday November 11th will be included in the PNA website photo gallery and shown in a video collage at the November 17th PNA monthly meeting. All ages and expertise levels are welcome to submit photos.

This is your turn to show off your love of Pinckney Neighborhood and whatever talent you have. We’ll offer the photos up for the Pinckney community to pick their favorites. The favorites will be announced at the November 17th PNA monthly meeting during the photo collage presentation and posted on this website.

Please follow these simple rules to submit your photo entries:
1) All entries must be submitted by midnight Sunday November 11, 2012 to PNA’s email (below).
2) Each person may submit up to 5 photos.
3) Photos must be taken in the Pinckney Neighborhood and have a “fall” theme.
4) Please put “fall photos” in the subject line of your email and include in your message (a) the name you want to be identified by, (b) the general area of the Pinckney Neighborhood where each photo was taken, (c) any information you want to provide about each photo (e.g., subject matter), and (d) which category of photographer best describes you (under 18, adult amateur or adult professional).

Submit entries to:

Please spread information about this photo project to your friends and neighbors via email, Facebook and word of mouth! Check the Photo Gallery periodically for new entries under the “Pinckney Fall Photos 2012” tab to see new submittals.

Here are a couple upcoming PNA community events that would be good photo ops – look for more details in the coming weeks:
October 6th @ 9:00 – Pinckney Parks Clean-up Day (Clinton, Constant & Woody Parks)
October 16th @ 10:00 – PNA Monthly Meeting (Douglas Count Health Department/Bert Nash Center)
October 27th @ 4:00 – Trunk-or-Treat & Food Drive (LMH parking lot at 4th & Michigan)

Good luck and enjoy!


September 23, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

League of Women Voters public meeting featuring County Clerk Jamie Shew.

Douglas County Clerk Jamie Shew will speak Thursday, September 20th in the County Commission Chambers of the Douglas County Courthouse at 7 p.m.  Shew, who oversees elections, will address new laws on voter identification requirements and the recent changes in redistricting for state and national offices, as well as answer any questions about the upcoming election.


As an added treat, Jamie is quite knowledgeable about the history of the women’s suffrage movement and will present some very interesting highlights about the struggle for women’s right to vote in the state of Kansas.  While the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote was not added to the U.S. Constitution until 1920, Kansas approved a state constitutional amendment 100 years ago in 1912! How progressive is that?


And if you need to register to vote, the League of Women Voters will be glad to help with that.   (Did you know that if you’ve moved or changed your name since the last time you voted that you need to re-register with your current information?)  This League of Women Voters meeting is also open to the public. Please come, and bring a friend!

For More information, please contact:
Melinda Henderson
President, LWV/L-DC
contact email:
Like us on Facebook!
Follow us on Twitter!
Visit our website:

Because democracy is NOT a spectator sport!


September 17, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
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PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday Sept. 15 – 10:00 am @ LMH (lower level meeting room)

Pinckney Neighbors!  It’s so nice to have a little bit of cool weather and – can you believe it – even some rain now and then.  Just in time for us to gear up for a couple of important Neighborhood events – the Pinckney Parks clean-up day on October 6th and the Trunk-or-Treat and Food Drive on October 27th. Look for the PNA Newsletter in your mailbox this coming week with more information.

Our meeting this month – September 15th on the lower level of Lawrence Memorial Hospital – will look ahead to plan for these events. We particularly want to work on publicity, building neighborhood connections and encouraging young people to get involved in community service. In addition we will discuss issues of importance to the Neighborhood – such as issues likely to be brought to the city commission – and any topics raised by Pinckney residents.

Please join us on Saturday.  Light refreshments will be served.  If you have issues of concern that you would like PNA to look into, please bring them to the meeting or send an email to

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September 10, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Monthly Meeting – August 18 @ 10:00 am – LMH Room D-South

Our next monthly meeting is Saturday August 18th.  In addition to the general business meeting, we will begin planning for the October Trunk-or-Treat and food drive event. Last year was our first attempt at trunk-or-treat, and all who participated thought it was a great success and a wonderful neighborhood building opportunity.  We also raised 130 lbs of food for the Douglas County food bank!

Another item on the agenda include our annual Pinckney Parks clean up day.  We have been offered an opportunity to combine our annual clean up with post-concert roadway clean-up activities in early October and earn funding for PNA activities.

Please join us for the August meeting.  If you have any additional issues to raise, please do so at the meeting or submit n email with your question or concern to

Hope to see you on Saturday!


August 16, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
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PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday July 21st at 10:00 a.m.

Our next monthly PNA meeting will be Saturday July 17th – 10:00 a.m. in meeting room D at Lawrence Memorial Hospital.  In addition to regular business and planning items, we’ll have a guest speaker.  Deron Belt will be visiting our meeting to discuss a concert that will be in Burcham Park in October – he works for the promoter of the event. He will explain how PNA can use it as a revenue opportunity.

Deron previously served as president of East Lawrence Neighborhood Association and is now on the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC), which decides neighborhood grant funding. He has been really impressed with the positive changes in PNA and wants to help us succeed! Please pick his brain about this opportunity!

Let us know if you have any additional topics you want to discuss. As an enticement, light refreshments will be provided!

Please join us.


July 18, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

The Laurasian Institution is seeking host families in Lawrence!

Chris Armstrong is the Local Coordinator for the Laurasian Institution, a non-profit based in Seattle that fosters exchanges between East Asia and the United States.  The Laurasian Institute is currently seeking families to host students from East Asia for the upcoming school year.  Students arrive in August and leave in May, and attend school full-time. This program provides an opportunity for families to participate in an increasingly globalized world.

Chris has provided information, below, with more details about the program.  Feel free to contact him if you have any questions!

Chris Armstrong
Local Coordinator (NE Kansas)
(785) 218-4360

2 attachments — Download all attachments
6_Host Family Information Flyer.pdf 6_Host Family Information Flyer.pdf
435K   View   Download
Program Flyer.pdf Program Flyer.pdf
1015K   View   Download


June 28, 2012 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

2012 Tour of Lawrence offers races and fun cycling activities for kids as well as adults!

The 2012 Tour of Lawrence sponsored by the Kansas Convention & Visitors Bureau is scheduled for June 29 though July1.  This is a USA Cycling Pro-Am Event with activities for adults as well as kids.  The full schedule can be found on the Tour of Lawrence website:

Attached is a PDF flier describing the special activities for kids.  Kids race_v13d

If you’re a cycling enthusiast, this weekend holds a lot of fun for the whole family – including live music on Friday night!


June 25, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
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Pictures from the Pinckney Picnic are Here!

With a huge thank you to Jason Dailey – – we have some wonderful pictures from the Annual Potluck Picnic and Kids’ Arts & Crafts Show. Thanks to all who helped pull the event together and to everyone who attended and make this annual neighborhood gathering a success!

Visit the “Photos” tab at the top of this page to see this year’s photos and all the other great photos of Pinckney events and sights. We’d love to hear from you. Please send an email on the “contact us” page if you have comments, questions or your own photos you want to share.


June 20, 2012 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: PNA Events

Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic and Kids’ Art & Craft Show – Saturday June 16th in Clinton Park!

Yes, it’s that time again!  Summer is in full swing and the Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic is here.  Saturday June 16th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in Clinton Park (SW corner of 5th and Maine Streets).

Last year’s arts and crafts show for kids was such a hit that it is returning again this year.  Kids 18 and under can bring a piece of artwork or a craft item to display – they will be enjoyed and praised, but not judged.  Certificates of participation will be provided for all entries.

Other things to do and yummy food to eat include:
Hot dogs, veggie dogs and beverages provide by PNA and local businesses
You should bring a side dish or dessert to share
Green Violin Italian Ice for free
Bounce Castle provide by Anderson Rentals
Hair cuts for just a donation by Great Clips
Music provided by Lance Fayhe
Face painting & henna art
Create your own silly hat or mask


June 4, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements