PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday, May 19 @ 10:00 a.m – LMH Meeting Room D (lower level)

This month’s meeting will focus on our upcoming potluck picnic and kids’ art showcase (scheduled for June 16th in Clinton Park). We already have many fun activities and food lined up, but much more needs to be done to bring it all together. Your help, even on a limited basis, will be greatly appreciated.

Also on this month’s agenda will be some preliminary information from our May 5th Neighborhood Infrastructure Survey, planning for our annual fund raising effort, a summary of information from the Lawrence Association of Neighborhoods meeting, and old and new business items.

Hope you can join us.


May 15, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Pinckney Neighborhood Infrastructure Survey – This Saturday, May 5th @ 10:00 am

Now is the time for you to step up to do something to help get those irritating potholes, cracked sidewalks and such in our neighborhood fixed.  The Pinckney Neighborhood Infrastructure Survey kicks-off this Saturday, May 5th.

Please join us at 10:00 am at the Lawrence Memorial Parking Lot at the intersection of 4th St. and Michigan St.

Groups of at least two will be assigned certain blocks to walk and will be given a map and a simple form to note infrastructure issues such as potholes, storm drain blockages, eroding curbs, etc.  No special skills are needed – just a little of your time and the ability to jot down a few notes about what you see.  You’ll be asked to return to the registration table with their filled out forms by noon.

Participating in the Survey is also a great way for students to earn a few hours of community service credit. We’ll  have vouchers ready for any student that participates.

Please wear good walking shoes and, if you have them, bring a digital camera, clipboard and tape measure.

It looks like the weather is going to be warm and sunny, so this should be the perfect day to take a walk around your neighborhood!

Please let us know if you have any questions at

May 1, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: PNA Events

New Photo Album – Pinckney Neighborhood Wildlife

Thanks to Pinckney resident Elizabeth Stevens, we have the beginnings of a new photo album with pictures of wildlife she found right here in the neighborhood.  If you have pictures to add to the album, please sent an e-mail to us at  Please indicate where you took the photos and the name/species of the animal.


April 23, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Uncategorized

Annaul Curbside Bulk Brush Pick-up – Monday April 30th

Yes, it’s that time of year again – springtime yard clean-up!  To help dispose of your trimmed brush and tree limbs, we’ve scheduled a special tour through the neighborhood on April 30th for the Lawrence Parks Department’s wood chipper / shredder.  The city crew will pick-up and process brush and oversize yard debris you leave at the curb.  Brush does not need to be bundled, and limbs should have their butt-end facing the street.  This is for brush and limbs only, since other yard waste is routinely picked up by sanitation crews each Monday.  The brush and limbs will be chipped up to add to the city’s compost and mulch piles.  The city is not able to dispose of railroad ties and other wood fencing materials.  Also note that city staff is not allowed to go into private yards to clean up or retrieve the debris.

If you need assistance in bringing your debris to the curb, please call Linda Bush (856-6435) or send an email to to arrange assistance from some helpful neighbors.  Although it may take a couple of days for the crew to work its way through the neighborhood, please have your brush ready at the curb by the morning of Monday April 30th.


April 20, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

PNA Monthly Meeting – April 21 @ 10:00 am

This month’s meeting will be in Meeting Room D on the lower level of Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Topics of discussion include:

  • Upcoming neighborhood street & sidewalk survey scheduled for May 5th
  • Advance planning for the June 16th Pinckney Potluck Picnic & Kids’ Art Show
  • Fundraising goals and planning

April 19, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Welcome to the New Pinckney Neighborhood Association Website

Pinckney Neighborhood is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Lawrence, with a wonderful mix of historic and modern homes, lots and lots of trees, several great parks and a diverse and interesting population. Take a look around this website and explore the neighborhood. Then get involved: meet your neighbors, help keep the neighborhood looking great, and explore and share its rich history.


April 12, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
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City of Lawrence Electronic Recycling Event

Saturday, May 12, 9am-1pm @ Free State High School, north parking lot, 4700 Overland Drive

The city will host an electronic recycling event at the north parking lot of Free State High School on May 12.  Items accepted for recycling include Computers, Monitors, Printers, Copiers, Scanners, Fax Machines, Televisions, Video and Audio Equipment, Household Batteries, Microwaves and other Small Appliances, Cell Phones and other Hand Held Devices.

Items NOT accepted: Large Appliances (refrigerators, AC units, dehumidifiers) and Household Hazardous Waste (fluorescent light bulbs, compressed gas cylinders, etc.).

There is a $10 recycling fee per computer monitor and a $15 recycling fee per television.  There is no recycling fee for other electronic equipment.

For further information, please contact the City’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Division at 832-3030 or visit

Cassandra Ford, Waste Reduction and Recycling Specialist  |;
Public Works Department  |  City of Lawrence, KS
PO Box 708, Lawrence, KS  66044
office:  (785) 832-3026 |  fax:  (785) 832-3056


February 28, 2012 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements

Nature & Environment

Do you have a favorite nature walk in the neighborhood, have an interesting wildlife observation, know of a natural feature that has been overlooked, or think there is an area that needs special attention or protection?  We’d love to hear from you and include your stories, information, and photos on this site.

Please contact us at, to provide information or ask questions.


Peace Park, a/k/a The Swamp

A wetlands project has been proposed at Peace Park, located between Constant and Burcham Parks near the Kansas River. View the details on its page, affectionately called The Swamp.

February 26, 2012 · pgmiller · Comments Closed
Posted in: Uncategorized

Pinckney Walking Tour

The Pinckney Neighborhood Walking Tour starts at Constant Park at the corner of 6th and Tennessee and continues west to Illinois. A fold-out brochure with a map, photos, drawings and historical notes is available by contacting PNA. An online interactive tour is also being designed and we hope to have it available shortly.


February 26, 2012 · pgmiller · Comments Closed
Posted in: Uncategorized

Voices of Pinckney

PNA is reaching out to members of the neighborhood and the community to preserve memories and observations about the Pinckney Neighborhood and its rich history (long ago and recent).  We are asking people who have memories to preserve, or know of someone who does, to contact us.  This webpage will be devoted to preserving and recounting those memories – whether written, audio, or video.

Please contact us at, with your ideas and the names of people we should interview.

February 26, 2012 · pgmiller · Comments Closed
Posted in: Uncategorized