Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational
After a brutally hot summer, it’s nice to have some cool weather and to see beautiful fall colors appearing in the tree tops. Now is the time to get your camera out and take some pictures. PNA is hosting a Pinckney Neighborhood Fall Photo Invitational! Your photos taken in the Pinckney Neighborhood and submitted to PNA’s email between now and midnight Sunday November 11th will be included in the PNA website photo gallery and shown in a video collage at the November 17th PNA monthly meeting. All ages and expertise levels are welcome to submit photos.
This is your turn to show off your love of Pinckney Neighborhood and whatever talent you have. We’ll offer the photos up for the Pinckney community to pick their favorites. The favorites will be announced at the November 17th PNA monthly meeting during the photo collage presentation and posted on this website.
Please follow these simple rules to submit your photo entries:
1) All entries must be submitted by midnight Sunday November 11, 2012 to PNA’s email (below).
2) Each person may submit up to 5 photos.
3) Photos must be taken in the Pinckney Neighborhood and have a “fall” theme.
4) Please put “fall photos” in the subject line of your email and include in your message (a) the name you want to be identified by, (b) the general area of the Pinckney Neighborhood where each photo was taken, (c) any information you want to provide about each photo (e.g., subject matter), and (d) which category of photographer best describes you (under 18, adult amateur or adult professional).
Submit entries to:
Please spread information about this photo project to your friends and neighbors via email, Facebook and word of mouth! Check the Photo Gallery periodically for new entries under the “Pinckney Fall Photos 2012” tab to see new submittals.
Here are a couple upcoming PNA community events that would be good photo ops – look for more details in the coming weeks:
October 6th @ 9:00 – Pinckney Parks Clean-up Day (Clinton, Constant & Woody Parks)
October 16th @ 10:00 – PNA Monthly Meeting (Douglas Count Health Department/Bert Nash Center)
October 27th @ 4:00 – Trunk-or-Treat & Food Drive (LMH parking lot at 4th & Michigan)
Good luck and enjoy!
September 23, 2012
pgmiller ·
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