Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic and Kids’ Art & Craft Show – Saturday June 16th in Clinton Park!
Yes, it’s that time again! Summer is in full swing and the Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic is here. Saturday June 16th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in Clinton Park (SW corner of 5th and Maine Streets).
Last year’s arts and crafts show for kids was such a hit that it is returning again this year. Kids 18 and under can bring a piece of artwork or a craft item to display – they will be enjoyed and praised, but not judged. Certificates of participation will be provided for all entries.
Other things to do and yummy food to eat include:
Hot dogs, veggie dogs and beverages provide by PNA and local businesses
You should bring a side dish or dessert to share
Green Violin Italian Ice for free
Bounce Castle provide by Anderson Rentals
Hair cuts for just a donation by Great Clips
Music provided by Lance Fayhe
Face painting & henna art
Create your own silly hat or mask
June 4, 2012
pgmiller ·
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