Pinckney’s First Neighborhood-wide Sale – Saturday Sept. 16
Would you like to participate in a Pinckney Neighborhood Garage Sale on September 16th? As a bonus, it will coincide with the Old West Lawrence (OWL) Neighborhood sale. OWL has successfully used this as a fundraiser for their Neighborhood Association for years. We hope to have similar results.
Here’s how it works:
Each household (or group of households or block, etc.) would have it’s own sale. We ask that you set aside a small portion of your proceeds for Pinckney Neighborhood Association – it will be up to you to determine the percentage or amount you would like to donate. If we have enough participants to sign-up in advance of the sale, we will celebrate afterward at Clinton Park from 5-8:00 pm.
The planning committee will make yard signs to place around the neighborhood, place an ad in the LJWorld and promote it on social media. OWL said they would be happy to cross promote. If you have things to sell but don’t want to do it alone, we may be able to team you up with someone.
Please let us know through the facebook event (Pinckney Neighborhood Wide Sale) or contact us at if you are interested. Also, please share this with anyone else you would like to get on board!
August 20, 2017
pgmiller ·
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