PNA Annual Meeting and Election of Officers – Saturday, Feb. 17th
Lawrence-Douglas County Health Dept./Bert Nash
200 Maine St. / 1st Floor Meeting Room
Everyone who lives in the Pinckney Neighborhood is automatically a member of the Pinckney Neighborhood Association. Everyone is encouraged to attend the monthly PNA Meetings and to run for office or work on a committee! Â Officer elections are held during the February meeting and we welcome new member participation. The Vice President and Secretary positions will be open for election.
Help spread the word: If you have a neighbor that may be interested in getting involved please encourage them to attend the next meeting, sign up for the PNA E-news or contact us at
Additionally, we will have guests Shannon Oury from the Lawrence-Douglas Housing Authority discussing a proposed housing project with Bert Nash and a representative from the KU Big Event to discuss this year’s volunteer work day.
February 12, 2018
pgmiller ·
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