PNA Annual Meeting & Elections in Two Weeks!
The 2022 PNA annual meeting & elections will take place in about two weeks on Saturday, February 19! Please make plans to join us via Zoom at 10am; the Zoom link and passcode will be shared one week prior to the meeting.
Nominations are open for Vice President & Secretary. These two positions will be elected during the annual meeting.
We will also discuss potential changes to PNA Bylaws, which can be reviewed here: Proposed Amendments to PNA Bylaws. Additional topics to discuss will include organizing a competition for the new PNA logo, holding a summer picnic, and more.
Lastly, annual voluntary dues are being collected now. An annual voluntary contribution of at least $1.00 per person or $2.00 per household is greatly appreciated. These funds help defray the costs associated with Pinkney Neighborhood Association activities. Dues may be sent to or dropped off with Treasurer, Pat Miller, at 345 Mississippi St.
February 3, 2022
Eleanor Gardner В·
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Posted in: Announcements