PNA February Election of Officers
Here are updates following the February 17th PNA annual meeting and elections:
First, special thanks to Kristen Walker, who has served valiantly as our Treasurer for two terms. She steps down from that position having helped us turn the corner after some fiscally scary times, and now we are sitting solidly in the black with a good handle on our finances. However, Kristen, should not think that just because she doesn’t have a title at the moment we will let her fade away. We still need her can-do spirit and excellent hands-on efforts to keep us going – especially at the Potluck Picnic. Thank You, Kristen!
In addition, Linda Bush has stepped down from the PNA Presidency in order to serve on the City of Lawrence Community Development Advisory Committee. She will also continue to serve as our Lawrence Association of Neighborhoods representative, and she has now agreed to take over as the new Treasurer. We are very grateful for her solid and dedicated leadership these past two years. We have indeed become a viable and effective resource for the neighborhood – with a little money in the bank, much greater visibility in the neighborhood and a strong voice for Pinckney residents in the City. Thank you, Linda, for your past dedication and service, and a huge thank you for the work you will be doing as Treasurer, at LAN and with the CDAC!
And now for the Miller – not all of whom are related (apparently “Miller” is a common name in Pinckney Neighborhood): Pat Miller was elected to serve as the new PNA President. We also welcome Jim Miller, who was elected to serve as our new Vice President for the remaining year of that 2-year term. And Harry Miller continues to serve for the remainder of his current 2-year term as our Secretary.
In addition, we want to thank Kim Heck and Jen Unekis for volunteering to form the PNA media committee. They will be helping with the PNA newsletter, website and facebook page.
Just as a reminder, our next PNA monthly meeting will be Saturday March 16th starting at 10:00 am in meeting room A of the Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Our special guests will be all of the candidates for the City Commission as well as Charles Epp, who will discuss the upcoming vote on the School Bond. More information on the meeting will be coming your way in a few days.
March 7, 2013
pgmiller ·
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