PNA Meeting – March 16th – City Commission Candidates & School Bond Issue
We will be joined by all six candidates for the Lawrence City Commission as well as a representative for the USD 497 School Bond issue at our Saturday, March 16th PNA monthly meeting for discussion of issues and to answer your questions. Our regular PNA business meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. and run to about 10:30; immediately thereafter we will turn the discussion over to Charles Epp on behalf of the School Bond issue. At about 11:00, all 6 candidates for the City Commission will be joining us to introduce themselves and answer your questions.
Please plan to attend and learn more about the candidates and issues in the upcoming April 2nd General Election. Everyone is welcome – please feel free tell your friends and neighbors and invite them to join us. Light refreshments will be served.
Saturday March 16, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Conference Room A (lower level)
USD 497 School Bond – Charles Epp
City Commission Candidates – Mike Amex, Rob Chestnut, Scott Criqui, Jeremy Farmer, Terry Riordan and Leslie Soden
March 11, 2013
pgmiller ·
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