PNA Monthly Meeting – August 18 @ 10:00 am – LMH Room D-South
Our next monthly meeting is Saturday August 18th. In addition to the general business meeting, we will begin planning for the October Trunk-or-Treat and food drive event. Last year was our first attempt at trunk-or-treat, and all who participated thought it was a great success and a wonderful neighborhood building opportunity. We also raised 130 lbs of food for the Douglas County food bank!
Another item on the agenda include our annual Pinckney Parks clean up day. We have been offered an opportunity to combine our annual clean up with post-concert roadway clean-up activities in early October and earn funding for PNA activities.
Please join us for the August meeting. If you have any additional issues to raise, please do so at the meeting or submit n email with your question or concern to
Hope to see you on Saturday!
August 16, 2012
pgmiller ·
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