PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday April 20th at 10:00
The next PNA Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, April 20th at 10:00 am in meeting room D-South at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. This month our guest will be Kirk McClure, KU Professor of Urban Planning. Kirk will be able to give us his insights and perspective regarding protection of downtown Lawrence and its expansion north of the river, economic development practices of Lawrence, and smart growth (keeping growth of supply of real estate in check with growth in demand for that real estate).
We’ll also start our planning process for the June 22 Pinckney Neighborhood Potluck Picnic. This year’s picnic will have all the usual fun activities and wonderful things to eat. And we will also be collecting coats and jackets to donate to the Scotch Cleaner’s Spread the Warmth public service project. Look for more information in the coming weeks.
Other upcoming events include the annual bulk brush pick up the week of May 20 (the newsletter that will hit your box in a day or two shows the date as May 5, but the date has been changed at the City’s request).
Hope to see you on Saturday and at our upcoming events!
April 17, 2013
pgmiller ·
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