PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday January 18th @ 10:00 a.m. – LMH room D-South

Happy New Year Pinckney Neighbors! It’s time for another monthly PNA meeting on Saturday, January 18th @ 10:00 a.m. in Lawrence Memorial Hospital meeting room D-South (lower level). We’ll kick off the new year with a little planning for the year ahead. There are many interesting, important and fun activities and issues coming up this year. We’ll need your input, ideas and participation to help make them happen. Please come to the meeting to help raise issues, set priorities and make plans.

Also, in February we will hold our official annual meeting and elections – this year the Vice President and Secretary positions are open. If you’re interested or know anyone who might be interested in one of these positions, please let us know.

Hope to see you at the meeting. If you can’t make the meeting but have ideas or issues to raise, please send an email to or post in on PNA’s facebook page.


January 16, 2014 · pgmiller · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements