PNA Monthly Meeting – Saturday Sept. 15 – 10:00 am @ LMH (lower level meeting room)
Pinckney Neighbors! It’s so nice to have a little bit of cool weather and – can you believe it – even some rain now and then. Just in time for us to gear up for a couple of important Neighborhood events – the Pinckney Parks clean-up day on October 6th and the Trunk-or-Treat and Food Drive on October 27th. Look for the PNA Newsletter in your mailbox this coming week with more information.
Our meeting this month – September 15th on the lower level of Lawrence Memorial Hospital – will look ahead to plan for these events. We particularly want to work on publicity, building neighborhood connections and encouraging young people to get involved in community service. In addition we will discuss issues of importance to the Neighborhood – such as issues likely to be brought to the city commission – and any topics raised by Pinckney residents.
Please join us on Saturday. Light refreshments will be served. If you have issues of concern that you would like PNA to look into, please bring them to the meeting or send an email to
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September 10, 2012
pgmiller ·
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