Possible Extension of Burroughs Creek Multiuse Trail to Constant Park
A key bicycle transportation trunk line may become a reality if the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) funds it. The Burroughs Creek Trail now serves the three east-side Lawrence neighborhoods that launched it in 2004 – Barker, Brook Creek, and East Lawrence. But currently the trail goes no farther north than Hobbs Park at 11th Street. If it is built from there to the Lawrence City Hall, this would be the first major bicycle corridor in the city connecting to downtown at Constant Park on the eastern edge of the Pinckney Neighborhood.
For the past six months, the Lawrence based Sustainability Action Network has been gathering endorsements from a large constituency that supports building an extension of the trail from Hobbs Park to City Hall at 6th Street. A local architect has been sketching possible routes for the trail that has captured the imagination of City officials. This bicycle link is supported by at least one City Commissioner, by members of the original Burroughs Creek Trail Planning Committee, by local developers, by neighborhood associations, and by many other groups and businesses.
At its January monthly meeting, PNA members voted to add its support to the project. We believe this expansion of the walking and bicycling trail system to the Pinckney neighborhood would be of great benefit to Pinckney residents by providing a safe and convenient link to eastern Lawrence and the existing trail system. It will also complement the new multipurpose trail being built on the former VFW property and the trail improvements that will be made between Constant and Burcham Parks.
Lawrence City Commission will receive comments on the proposed trail expansion and will be asked to commit local money as matching funds for a KDOT partial grant. Citizens are encouraged to add their voice and speak at the Commission meeting on Tuesday, 4 February 2013 at 6:30pm, at City Hall, 6 East 6th St.
More information about the proposed Burroughs Creek Trail extension and a map showing the proposed route can be found at: http://www.sustainabilityaction.net/burroughs-creek-trail-extension-to-city-hall
February 2, 2014
pgmiller ·
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