Recording of PNA’s October meeting available on our YouTube channel
You may view the recording of PNA’s October meeting on our YouTube channel at
Highlights include:
Russ Johnson, CEO of LMH, updated us on:
👉(1) the fact that LMH is still planning to improve the sidewalk in front of the Crisis Center with lights, plantings, and possibly bench seating BUT it won’t be a curvy “promenade” style sidewalk,
👉(2) the hospital’s desire to see Woody Park ball field moved to the grassy area near Sandra Shaw Park so that the hospital can expand. Neighbors brought up the point that the newly-installed storm drain below the Crisis Center construction area causes bad flooding, which would defeat the purpose of moving the ball field to that location. LMH will try to investigate the situation and come back to PNA with more info.
The PNA President and VP addressed resident concerns regarding the way that the homeless encampment project at Woody Park moved forward.
👉Note: The project received City Commission approval at the Oct 6th meeting.
👉Watch this recording to get an understanding of the project’s rapid timeline. Communications about the project were made in a good faith effort.
Plus LOTS more!
October 17, 2020
Eleanor Gardner ·
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Posted in: Announcements