Spring Compost & Woodchip Sale – Saturday March 23, 24 & 25 – 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
The City of Lawrence Solid Waste Division will hold a Compost and Woodchip Sale Event Thursday through Saturday, March 23, 24, and 25 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm at the City’s Compost Facility located at 1420 E. 11th Street which is east of 11th and Haskell Avenue, over the railroad tracks. The sale event will be held rain or shine.
- The City will load trucks and trailers. The City cannot load trucks with ladder racks.
- $10 per bucket load, equivalent to two cubic yards. CASH only.
- Self-loading small quantities (small bag, plastic tote, box) free.
- Bring a tarp to secure woodchips in trucks and trailers to prevent littering the roadway.
- Compost and woodchips are not intended for commercial applications, but rather for the citizens of Lawrence.
More information available at https://lawrenceks.org/swm/lawncompostsale/. Questions? Call 832-3030 or email recycling@lawrenceks.org.
March 8, 2017
pgmiller ·
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