Street Repairs in Pinckney Neighborhood
City of Lawrence Public Works Project: 2014 Overlay, Patch, and Microsurfacing Program
The City has hired Little Joe’s Asphalt to patch and repairs streets in the Pinckney neighborhood. They will begin milling and patching on Monday, May 5, 2014 on streets generally near 5th/6th & Tennessee St working towards Indiana St. The area generally east of Iowa Street and north of 6th Street encompasses the entire work zone. Traffic impacts include one-lane traffic in most locations with traffic control devices and flaggers. There may be locations that may include partial/full street closures for periods while work is being performed, especially those days that surface treatment work (overlay or microsurfacing) is performed. Streets may be impacted on separate occasions, during the milling and pavement patching and then during the street surface treatment process, for example. The work is anticipated to be completed in August 2014.
You can view the City’s map for additional information:
Click to access 2014_comprehensive_street_maintenance_11x17.pdf
Questions and concerns can be directed to the City Streets Department at: (785) 832-3021
May 12, 2014
Pinckney admin ·
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Posted in: Announcements