The Laurasian Institution is seeking host families in Lawrence!

Chris Armstrong is the Local Coordinator for the Laurasian Institution, a non-profit based in Seattle that fosters exchanges between East Asia and the United States.  The Laurasian Institute is currently seeking families to host students from East Asia for the upcoming school year.  Students arrive in August and leave in May, and attend school full-time. This program provides an opportunity for families to participate in an increasingly globalized world.

Chris has provided information, below, with more details about the program.  Feel free to contact him if you have any questions!

Chris Armstrong
Local Coordinator (NE Kansas)
(785) 218-4360

2 attachments — Download all attachments
6_Host Family Information Flyer.pdf 6_Host Family Information Flyer.pdf
435K   View   Download
Program Flyer.pdf Program Flyer.pdf
1015K   View   Download


June 28, 2012 · Pinckney admin · No Comments
Posted in: Announcements