Saturday, April 13, 10am–Noon
Presentation at 10:30
Sunday, April 21, 2–4pm
Presentation at 2:30
Lawrence Preservation Alliance, the new owner of the Lawrence Turnhalle (pronounced “Turnhalluh”), will welcome members of the public to view the historic structure in its pre-rehabilitation state at two open houses in April. If you’ve been curious about this significant structure and wondering about LPA’s plans, now is your chance!
Short history presentations will be delivered by Dennis Domer, New Cities Project Director, Associate Dean/Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas and Frank Baron, professor of German and director of the Max Kade Center for German-American studies at the University of Kansas. We will learn about the German-American Turners, their many contributions to the initial building of Lawrence, and their public involvement in our community through 1917.
For more info on the Turnhalle project visit www.lawrencepreservation.org/turnhalle
April 8, 2013
pgmiller ·
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