Update on Bulk Brush Pick-up
We received a call from the City of Lawrence today apologizing for the delay in picking up some of the bulk brush in the neighborhood and promising to try to finish up their round this week. The City has worked valiantly to get all the Pinckney brush picked up despite having equipment problems and dealing with the massive annual KU end of semester move-out aftermath. If your brush has not been picked up yet, please send a message to Pinckney.Neighborhood@gmail.com with “brush pickup” in the subject line and list your address. We’ll do our best to make sure the City gets the information.
Next year we would like to work closer with the City in setting up and planning the bulk brush pickup. Please let us know if you love this service so much that you would be willing to contribute just a few minutes of their time next March to help set it up the service with the City.
May 29, 2013
pgmiller ·
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