We need your help! Please write to the City Commission!
We need you to petition the City, asking them to increase our funding. Currently, the City is proposing a massive cut of 60% to PNA, limiting our allocation to just $1889.Everyone who lives in the Pinckney Neighborhood is automatically a member of the Pinckney Neighborhood Association, which seeks to promote a sense of community and to improve property, living conditions, and communications within the neighborhood. With the reduction in grant funding as proposed by the City, Pinckney will struggle to maintain effectiveness because we depend heavily upon the funds received from the grant allocation. The proposed funding cut will negatively impact our ability to conduct communications efforts, pay our coordinator, and host neighborhood events. These funds help us to foster a sense of community and connection for the people of Pinckney.
Public comments must be submitted before 5:45pm on June 15, 2020.
That is less than one week away!
Written comments must be either:
-mailed to City of Lawrence Community Development Division, P.O. Box 708, Lawrence, KS 66044
-or emailed to dwalters@lawrenceks.org
June 10, 2020
Eleanor Gardner В·
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Posted in: Announcements